Black Landscapes Matter. UVA Press. Co-editor with Walter Hood. November 2020.
Interview with Walter Hood and Grace Mitchell Tada on Black Landscapes Matter. UVA Presents. November 2020.
Pat Thurston Show, discussing The Sea Beneath Us. June 2019.
Visualizing Nature: A Contemporary Approach to Nature Writing. The Dirt. December 2021.
Breathe: Imagining a New Relationship with the Atmosphere. The Dirt. November 2021.
After Climate-Driven Fires, Finding a Way to Return Home. The New York Times. October 2021.
Barbara Wilks’ Dynamic Geographies. The Dirt. July 2021.
An Earthquake in Japan Speaks to a Sea Wall in San Francisco. The New York Times. June 2021.
The Case for the Rural-to-Urban Transect. The Dirt. March 2021.
From Ancient Rome to Contemporary Singapore: The Evolution of Conservatories. The Dirt and ArchDaily. December 2020.
A Necessary Book: Lo–TEK: Design by Radical Indigenism. The Dirt. December 2020.
The Rising Tide Underfoot [feature]. Hakai. November 2020.
Last Chance to Protect Greater Chaco from Oil and Gas Drilling. The Dirt. September 2020.
Making a Home in the Unfamiliar. Ground Up. May 2019.
The Sea Beneath Us [feature]. Bay Nature. March 2019.
A New, Inclusive Civic Center for San Francisco. The Dirt. March 2019.
Connecting Climate Change to Places We Love. The Dirt. September 2018.
Resilient By Design Bay Area Challenge Proposals Unveiled (Part II). The Dirt. May 2018.
Resilient By Design Bay Area Challenge Proposals Unveiled (Part I). The Dirt. May 2018.
Point Cloud Models Uncloak the Hidden.The Dirt. April 2018.
Is There Still A Place for Aesthetics in Planting Design? The Dirt. February 2018.